
excellent variety Learn more about excellent variety

  • Miss Yarn Weaving is a very excellent variety of large hydrangea.

    Miss Yarn Weaving is a very excellent variety of large hydrangea.

    Miss Yarn Weaving, a very excellent variety of big hydrangea. Double, adjustable, full and moist, white petals rose lace, flowers bloom like auspicious clouds, hierarchical arrangement adds a touch of exquisite beauty, suitable for potted plants.

  • Daquan, an excellent variety of peanut

    Daquan, an excellent variety of peanut

    Peanuts are grown in all parts of our country, and many people like to eat them. Peanuts are very useful, not only can be eaten directly, but also can be refined, or processed into snacks, so there is a great demand for peanuts in the market. A lot of people want to grow peanuts, so you know

    2020-11-27 Flowers raw fine varieties Daquan peanuts yes our country each
  • What are the excellent varieties of navel orange?

    What are the excellent varieties of navel orange?

    Navel orange is a good fruit, now very popular with consumers on the market, the flesh is sweet and crisp, rich in nutrients, regular consumption can protect blood vessels, reduce cholesterol and blood lipids, is very beneficial to health, now farmers and friends are growing

    2020-11-27 Navel orange excellent varieties which navel orange yes one no
  • Introduction of excellent grape varieties

    Introduction of excellent grape varieties

    Excellent grape varieties are Xiahei grape, Jufeng grape, milk grape, Fujiminori grape, giant rose grape, rose grape, drunk Jinxiang grape, evening red grape, beauty finger grape, golden finger grape and so on. Among them, Xiahei grape has disease resistance, high yield, early ripening,

    2020-11-09 Grape fine variety introduction grape summer black
  • Introduction of Guilu No. 1, an excellent national tea variety with independent brand intellectual property rights in Guangxi

    Introduction of Guilu No. 1, an excellent national tea variety with independent brand intellectual property rights in Guangxi

    Tea is an important cash crop in China, especially one of the pillar industries to shake off poverty and become rich in the mountainous areas of Guangxi. With the rise of organic tea (green food) production, some varieties with resistance to diseases and insect pests and strong adaptability have been paid attention to, which determine the germination period, adaptability, quality characteristics and resistance of tea trees; to develop tea production, tea products come on the market early, have characteristics, excellent quality and excellent price, so they have the conditions to seize the market. Therefore, in order to strengthen and expand the tea industry in Guangxi, we must start from the "source"-adopt excellent.

  • What are the varieties of kiwifruit? Introduction of five excellent kiwifruit varieties

    What are the varieties of kiwifruit? Introduction of five excellent kiwifruit varieties

    Kiwifruit has the highest vitamin C content in fruits and good soluble dietary fiber, which has high nutritional value, medical and health care function, and high economic value, so it is known as "green gold mine". There are more farmers planting kiwifruit.

    2020-11-27 Kiwifruit all have which varieties five excellent introduction
  • There are five common excellent varieties of green onions. What are their characteristics? Have you seen them all?

    There are five common excellent varieties of green onions. What are their characteristics? Have you seen them all?

    Green onion is a kind of side dish that we often eat in our daily life. Farmers grow it themselves, and people in the city sometimes plant it in pots. Today, the editor would like to introduce to you five common excellent varieties of green onions. What are their respective characteristics?

    2020-11-27 Common yes five fine green onions varieties each of them what?
  • Excellent New Variety: Penzao No.2

    Excellent New Variety: Penzao No.2

    Potted jujube No. 2 is an excellent local jujube variety, which is suitable for bonsai cultivation, ornamental and fresh food. Its main excellent characters are as follows: first, the early fruit has strong high yield: in the small environment planted in the flowerpot (note: the diameter in the mouth of the flowerpot should be about 35 ~ 40 cm, and the pot depth should be about 28 cm), there are about 35 fruits in that year, 108 plants bear fruit in the second year, and the average yield of fresh jujube is 3.2 kg. The yield of field planting is more than 52% higher than that of pot planting. Second, the fruit character is good: long

  • Md6 special excellent soybean

    Md6 special excellent soybean

    MD6 special excellent soybean is a super high yield and fresh food variety newly bred by Beijing Fengda Agricultural Science Institute. Through the comparative experiment of Guantao County for more than two years, the general yield per mu is about 300kg, and the high yield field can reach 350kg, which is more than 50% higher than the local common varieties. Moreover, this variety has large pods, many grains and large grains, so it is especially suitable for selling fresh edamame beans. The growth period of MD6 excellent soybean is about 100d, which belongs to limited podding habit, with a plant height of 70ml / m and a branch of 3m / plant.

  • Introduction of three excellent varieties of Blood Orange

    Introduction of three excellent varieties of Blood Orange

    Blood orange has a sweet taste and rich nutritional value, so it is welcomed by many people, so the prospect of planting is still considerable. Well, today, the editor will introduce to you the three excellent varieties of blood oranges. Main species of blood orange

    2020-11-27 Blood orange main cultivated three excellent varieties introduction blood orange
  • A brief introduction to the excellent varieties of Oriental Pear and Western Pear

    A brief introduction to the excellent varieties of Oriental Pear and Western Pear

    Pear is a common fruit with a lot of water. It can be dried in autumn to prevent heat. Many people like to eat it. There are many kinds of pears on the market, and there are many differences in size and skin color. Here are several excellent pear varieties.

    2020-11-27 Oriental pear series and western pear series excellent varieties brief introduction
  • Beijing excellent and rare Variety Suziyu Gong Jujube has a bumper harvest

    Beijing excellent and rare Variety Suziyu Gong Jujube has a bumper harvest

    Beijing excellent and rare Variety Suziyu Gong Jujube has a bumper harvest

  • Introduction of excellent varieties of wax gourd

    Introduction of excellent varieties of wax gourd

    Wax gourd is a kind of melon vegetable that we often eat. It has a wide range of uses, rich nutrition, and has the effect of improving immunity, heat-clearing and detoxification. Now it is cultivated all over the country, especially in the south, especially in South China, where the winter is warm and the climatic conditions are superior.

    2020-11-27 Wax gourd excellent varieties introduction wax gourd yes we often eat
  • Main excellent varieties of Lycium barbarum

    Main excellent varieties of Lycium barbarum

    Chinese wolfberry is also known as Chinese wolfberry, blood berry, western Chinese wolfberry, Jin Chinese wolfberry and so on. Lycium barbarum has the characteristics of drought tolerance, barren tolerance, salt and alkali tolerance, strong adaptability and reproductive ability, often born on the deep soil banks, hillsides, fields and houses, and its excellent varieties are mainly cultivated from natural hybridization. The varieties planted in Ningxia Hui Autonomous region are relatively stable and widely distributed, and the varieties with higher per unit yield are Ningqi 1, Ningqi 2 and hemp leaf, followed by small hemp leaf wolfberry, yellow fruit Lycium barbarum, white Chinese wolfberry,

  • Detoxification and industrialization Development of excellent Potato varieties

    Detoxification and industrialization Development of excellent Potato varieties

    In this study, in view of the main problems existing in potato production, seize the favorable opportunity of planting structure adjustment, widely introduce excellent potato varieties at home and abroad, through experiments and market demand investigation, "Luyin No. 1" was selected as the main variety in Qingdao, and Kexin No. 3, No. 4 and Garden 525 were selected as matching varieties. Through the systematic study of virus-free technology, rapid propagation technology and non-virus test-tube plantlet domestication and transplanting technology, the best detoxification scheme of potato was determined, and 0.1-0.2

  • A brief introduction to the excellent varieties of Clonal Tea (1)

    A brief introduction to the excellent varieties of Clonal Tea (1)

    The application and promotion of fine tea varieties in tea production is one of the most effective ways to achieve high quality, high yield and high benefit. In particular, the improved varieties of clonal tea trees not only have excellent characters such as strong stress resistance, excellent quality and high yield, but also have stable characters, neat germination and obvious rotation, which is beneficial to popularizing mechanized picking and regulating flood peak. Most of the more than 100,000 mu of tea gardens in our city are Huzhou native species and Jiukeng species developed before the 1980s. The varieties of this batch of tea gardens are mixed in characters, a considerable part of which are aging tea gardens and

  • Excellent apricot variety 98-8

    Excellent apricot variety 98-8

    98-8 is an excellent new strain selected by Zhengzhou Fruit Tree Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. through several years of cultivation and observation, this strain has the advantages of large fruit, beautiful appearance, excellent quality, early fruit, high yield and so on. First, the main characters: the tree is strong, the tree posture is open, and the sprouting ability and branching ability are medium. The trunk and perennial branches are dark gray, annual branches are brown, lenticels are many, and the leaves are nearly round, dark green, thick and shiny. The fruit is nearly round, with a vertical diameter of 5.5 cm, a horizontal diameter of 5.6 cm and a lateral diameter of 5. 5 cm.

  • Fine peach varieties with late autumn and winter maturity bred in Huaning, Yunnan Province

    Fine peach varieties with late autumn and winter maturity bred in Huaning, Yunnan Province

    Huaning County Science and Technology Development Company of Yunnan Province leased 400 mu of land in Dongjiashan, Ningzhou Town, established high-quality economic fruit science and technology demonstration garden, screened, cultivated and demonstrated excellent economic fruit varieties, explored high-yield cultivation techniques of economic fruits, and provided excellent economic fruit seedlings for the masses. After six years of cultivation experiments, excellent late-maturing autumn and winter peach varieties suitable for popularization and cultivation in the area of 1600~1800 meters above sea level were selected from 54 peach varieties, and 350 mu of demonstration cultivation was conducted. Fine autumn and winter peach

  • When are figs ripe and on the market? What are the delicious varieties and producing areas?

    When are figs ripe and on the market? What are the delicious varieties and producing areas?

    Fig is a kind of flowering plant, which belongs to the genus Ficus of Moraceae. It mainly grows in some tropical and temperate places and has high edible and medicinal value. So when will it mature and go on sale? What are the delicious varieties and producing areas? According to Sangke data, none

    2020-11-09 Figs what month ripe on the market have which varieties and
  • Nongken 58, recommended varieties of organic rice (inventory of excellent historical varieties in southern rice region)

    Nongken 58, recommended varieties of organic rice (inventory of excellent historical varieties in southern rice region)

    Nongken 58, recommended varieties of organic rice (inventory of excellent historical varieties in southern rice region)
